Final Annual Symposium, April 2025

The Final SCMB Symposium is being held on April 10th – 11th, 2025 on Georgia Tech campus. Come see how we connect Mathematical Theory and Biological Data. The Symposium will host plenary talks from mathematicians and biologists from SCMB and invited speakers. A poster session will take place on April 10th in the atrium of the Marcus Nanotechnology Building, giving researchers from across the math-bio spectrum the opportunity to interact in an informal setting. The Final Symposium is a central pillar of SCMB’s effort to not only explore the challenges and opportunities at the math-bio interface, but to create a vibrant community around the advancement of the mathematics of complex biosystems.




All flights are booked by SCMB through Travel Inc.
Reimbursement for mileage .70 cents per mile
Estimated taxi fare: $32.00 (one way)
Reimbursement for Lyft/Uber should not exceed taxi rate.
Subway service (MARTA), fee: $2.50 (one way)



Attendees will stay at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center located at 800 Spring St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30308
Reservations are for check-in April 9th, check-out April 11th.
Georgia Tech Trolley is available for travel to and from campus



Breakfast – provided daily at Symposium
Lunch – provided daily at Symposium
Dinner – not provided


A NSF-Simons MathBioSys Research Center