The SCMB Annual Symposium is the Center's flagship convening research event, with the aim of elevating and amplifying the ongoing dialogue at the interface of mathematics and biology. The 1st and 2nd Annual Symposia were held in-person on the campus of Georgia Tech, while the 3rd and 4th Symposia ran in a virtual format.
At an SCMB Symposium, you can expect to see panels that highlight and dissect important issues in math-bio research and traineeship, as well as Invited talks from all four NSF-Simons MathBioSys Research Centers that share compelling success stories of mathematical theory meeting biosystems data. The Symposium also invites poster presenters to contribute to the event. The Symposium is designed to promote the fundamental mission of SCMB: to foster a vibrant interdisciplinary community and to train the next generation of researchers who will continue advancing the mathematics of complex biosystems. Follow the links below to see highlights from previous Symposia.
4th Annual Symposium Highlights
3rd Annual Symposium Highlights
2nd Annual Symposium Highlights
1st Annual Symposium Highlights