4th Annual Symposium — Dec. 2021

This event has already taken place. We hope you were able to join us for this unique online symposium. Click below to see highlights from the symposium as well as the program, list of talks, and poster presentations. 

The 4th Annual SCMB Symposium was a free online event that took place over four days from December 13th - 16th, 2021. The SCMB Annual Symposium aims to elevate and amplify the ongoing dialogue at the interface of mathematics and biology. This Symposium hosted curated panels to highlight and dissect important issues in math-bio research and traineeship. Invited talks from all four NSF-Simons MathBioSys Research Centers shared compelling success stories of mathematical theory meeting biosystems data. In addition to these curated events, the Symposium offered spatial conferencing to facilitate organic conversation and an informal poster session in a digital setting. The Symposium is designed to promote the fundamental mission of SCMB: to foster a vibrant interdisciplinary community and to train the next generation of researchers who will continue advancing the mathematics of complex biosystems.

A NSF-Simons MathBioSys Research Center